Sunday, June 04, 2006

Pics...I think

Last night, we had several scares just before we went to bed. First, Joaquin found an almost dead baby scorpion on our bathroom floor. I have no idea where it came from but I know that they have quite a sting and are poisonous. In some animals, the babies are more poisonous than the adults, because they are more vulnerable to predators. I never studied the insect variety, so I am not that knowledgeable about the subject. All I know is that I don’t need a scorpion in our house. So now we have to make it a point to shake our shoes out before we slip our feet into them or we might get an unpleasant surprise. Also, we have to check inside our sheets. Its bad enough we found a wolf spider in our room the other day and that freaked me out. I am about to grab a bunch of geckos outside and place them in the house as permanent residents.
Then, as we were watching a movie on my portable DVD player (yes, we still have no TV for all you non believers), “Life without Dick” I felt something crawling on my hand. Sure enough, it was a roach. Not huge, but still scared the daylights out of me especially after we just saw the scorpion. Joaquin thoroughly killed it (and I have no remorse over it) but all night I was jumpy. I had to tuck the sheets all over my body, and I couldn’t sleep. I can tolerate most bugs, but 2 poisonous ones and one crawling on me is enough for one week. I have to literally run to the bathroom at night =(
Anyhoo, I am finally writing my blog ahead of time so here are some pics from our trip back from the states:

We went to New Mexico just before we went home. We had a great time. This is in Taos. I love this pic of Pam, she is so cute!
What’s up with the two kids and the shovels? This is not the beach!

Same place in Taos, New Mexico. It’s of the pueblos…

Doesn’t the sun’s ray make me look like an angel? If you knew me, you would know the truth.

This is my favorite picture. You think that it’s boring, just picture of Kate standing on a ledge, but little does anyone know dirt was blowing in her face…

So, I did what any good sister would do…I zoomed in lol


This was the day that we went back home…on Joaquin’s Birthday (we wont mention how old ugh!)

I had way more from before we went to New Mexico, but these pics are post new camera. I still have to upload the pics from pre new camera. So, for next time, I will have more for you =)