Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year and I am sick again

Well, tomorrow is New Year's Eve and I am sick with pneumonia again. So I can't even have a glass of wine to celebrate the occasion. Well, Joaquin bought some sparklers, and that is good enough for me.
I went to the doctor the one that I always go to here. Sad enough, he said that I frequent his hospital way too much and we have to do something else besides my usual western medicine. On top of the medicine cabinet that he provided for me, he sticks two silver pins in my ear without even giving me a proper warning, and tells me that I have to keep it in there for 10 days (acupuncture). And believe me, I am not exactly sitting around completely painless. He put one on the top part of me ear, as if I got a piercing. Supposedly this one is for my allergic reaction to the Philippines. And the other one in my inner ear which is to make my lungs stronger. This goes along with a triple times a day dose of Oolong tea with ginger. After 10 days, I have to get two more pins put in the other side. Sigh.
I really tried to prevent this. The minute I started to cough 3 weeks ago, I started drinking the tea with ginger and eating massive amounts of oranges. Then I ran out, and I thought I would be ok. I was so wrong. Maybe this method will cure me for good.