Sunday, August 01, 2010

WIll we be moving?

Well, there have been a lot of changes going on in our lives. The first major change is that we both now work from home. It was a little weird at first, and I am finding myself to be even more busy then I was before. At least going to work all day in an office meant that you only had to worry about things to do during your time after work and on the weekends. Now I have things to worry about like "today I am going to the gym, then go swimming, shower, start working, first break lunch, work again, lunch break=maybe laundry?, work again, second break dinner, work again, off at 9 and play WoW until 12pm. Before it was go to work then....start driving home and maybe buy groceries to make dinner. Simple and easy. On the up side of the whole thing, we have Tues and Saturdays off. At first, I thought that I wouldn't like it. But then I realize that I have 2 "Fridays" a week :)

The other big change is that we are having trouble with our tenant and it looks like she will have to leave. So we are up in the air as to what to do next. And I am sure that we will have to remodel the whole place because of things that we have seen done over the past year. On the bright side, maybe Joaquin and I will be able to start our lives together.

I also realize that posting in a blog is not exactly the therapeutic outlet of journaling that may be best for me. Too many eyes are watching, and I believe that if I am to post my life story I might have to find another outlet. This plays in a big part as to why you don't see me post in it as much anymore. So, I apologize if I don't post in here as often as a lot of other people would like.