Friday, September 12, 2008


Was there ever a time where money was just a word and people had no idea what it meant? When money did not equal pain and suffering. Money is something that affects us all but to what extent? Yes, it's reality, but do we need a word to strike fear into our hearts? There are homeless animals, living in shelters, and just by a click of my finger they get .6 bowls of food. Yet, I still can not do that every day. So does that make me a bad person? Even when it's free, I can not give. Because of the time it will cause for me to check my email, and click on that purple little box.

And everyday a person argues about money and how we don't have any. But what happened to "it's only family that matters"? I still believe in that. It is only family. Right now I have 20 pesos to my name. I think I can buy 1 yakult. It doesn't really matter. I should be giving that 20 pesos to a homeless person on the street. Why? Because a year from now I will have everything, yet that homeless person still has nothing. Not even family. Without love, without family, you will always have nothing.

Many years ago, I met a woman in the States. She was an elderly woman coming into my father's clinic. She had no children or brothers and sisters. She truely had (maybe still has) nothing. She was about 85 years old and lived with a caretaker. When I looked into her eyes, and did her assessment, I saw in them the loneliness. I myself felt fear. Fear of the unknown and the emptiness. I didn't want to even talk to her too much more. I was thinking about my family and how lucky I am. That this will never happen to me...

But we should watch ourselves, because it can happen to anyone. And that is the point where no matter how much money you have, it only becomes a word.