1. If you hear someone say outside your window "Ah Bebbo Bebbo!!!" It means:
a. Balut
b. Taho
c. Chicharron
d. Puto
> if they add "....ah Plastik!!" after a few minutes, they are just collecting your plastic bottles.
2. Good things do come in small packages...from the sari-sari store.
3. You can buy ANYTHING at the sari-sari store.
4. If you get the "Lavender scented Mosquito Coil" instead of the regular one, you are "Soshal". *The regular one costs 8 pesos and the Lavender one is 13 pesos.*
5. It's an OUTRAGE if the jeep raises their fare by 50 sentavos.
6. Giant Crazy Tarantulas, Scorpions, Cockroaches and other spiders DO EXIST...usually in your house.
7. If you see a naked person running in the street, just ignore it.
8. EVERYONE can sing.
9. If you feel like singing in a crowded elevator, just go ahead.
10. Even though the capacity on the elevator says max: 13, you can still fit 2 more. Filipinos are small! It can't possibly mean them.
11. Conformity really does get you more friends
*note* Individualism = "Maarte"
12. You eventually get used to the barking dogs and crowing roosters.
13. Halls = CANDY
14. You can individual wrap ANYTHING and sell it e.g. halls, mentos, cigarettes, etc.
15. Joaquin is a Filipino in a "white guy" outfit.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
More things that I learned in Nursing
Posted by Karen at 10:57 AM