Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hospital Duty

I guess you can say that we had a real taste of nursing over the past weekend. I know it did not last long, and the next time we will have hospital exposure will be in a few months. It was still exciting even for me. I got to work in the OB ward, and I think if I became a future nurse i would like to work there. Or just work with babies. They are so cute and don't complain hehe. But even in the OB ward I got to help the patients with their babies, and teach them how to do things that they might not even know yet.
Even though, of course, I have a bit of "required" useless paperwork to turn in. And I put it like that, because it would seem I am apart of the only group that has to do this. Sometimes I am not that sure what I am doing, because the teachers don't tell us anything. It would seem that the school just hires nurses to teach us, but they have absolutely no teaching skills whatsoever. So every time I walk into one of their classrooms, I am walking in blind and just expecting a quiz.
But in the ward, it is different. We deal with real people and its like I am back at work again. Having to think logically and critically, instead of worrying about spelling. Even though I had the graveyard shift, I still was excited to go to my next shift.
Oh, and those of you who are reading this, pls dont comment on my spelling >.< You know who you are.