I guess you can say that we had a real taste of nursing over the past weekend. I know it did not last long, and the next time we will have hospital exposure will be in a few months. It was still exciting even for me. I got to work in the OB ward, and I think if I became a future nurse i would like to work there. Or just work with babies. They are so cute and don't complain hehe. But even in the OB ward I got to help the patients with their babies, and teach them how to do things that they might not even know yet.
Even though, of course, I have a bit of "required" useless paperwork to turn in. And I put it like that, because it would seem I am apart of the only group that has to do this. Sometimes I am not that sure what I am doing, because the teachers don't tell us anything. It would seem that the school just hires nurses to teach us, but they have absolutely no teaching skills whatsoever. So every time I walk into one of their classrooms, I am walking in blind and just expecting a quiz.
But in the ward, it is different. We deal with real people and its like I am back at work again. Having to think logically and critically, instead of worrying about spelling. Even though I had the graveyard shift, I still was excited to go to my next shift.
Oh, and those of you who are reading this, pls dont comment on my spelling >.< You know who you are.
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Hospital Duty
Posted by Karen at 10:33 PM
Sunday, April 08, 2007
I know everyone has been waiting for this blog
WE are back! Actually we came back last week from Boracay. I thought it was a blast. I was contemplating whether or not I should write in my blog about it because Joaquin had written an epic about it. The question is who reads who's blog more? So anyway, first we of course took the bus to Manila and its a long ride (about 6 hours). We spent the night at my Uncle Mike's then we flew to Caticlan the next day. We had a bit of a delay (about an hour) but supposedly that is normal. I do remember as a kid, the delays would be hours long. So this time, it wasn't so bad.
March 28: We stayed in this place in the beginning named Orchids Resort and I actually HIGHLY recommend it. It is extremely affordable, clean, great atmosphere with complimentary FULL breakfast every morning. We were greeted in the Caticlan airport by a representative of the resort. Without him, I do not know how the other tourists can figure out what to do. You gotta take a tricycle to the boat port, pay all these fees (port fees, boat fees, environmental fees, etc), get on a banca, be let off at the port in boracay, take another tricycle and walk along the beach to the resort. And in my experience, this is actually the least hassle. But normally, tourists travel with someone, and they are too busy checking out the scenery that they don't realize how much of a hassle this is. When all is said and done, the hassle is totally worth it.
The Orchids had the friendliest people, and our check in was so simple. The guy who took us to the resort led us right to our room, and i signed a paper saying that I arrived. period. So simple that it was a bit scarey. We were hungry so we got a bite to eat, bought new sunglasses (two for $10), and went back to the room to take a nap. When we woke up, we ate dinner and had a few drinks to start off our vacation. When we came back to the hotel, we were greeted by the owner of the Resort and showed us true Boracay hospitality.
March 29: I find out from my Uncle that he has a place for me to stay. Joaquin and I decided that we loved the Orchids so much that we would transfer the next day instead of right away. This day was a good relaxing beach day. After breakfast, we walked around so that I can of course spend more money. Went to the shopping area and got real hot. So we had to take a few swim breaks. We ate Mexican for lunch, then I got a massage on the beach while Joaquin swam some more . Then we went back to the hotel, and proceded to our daily nap. When we woke up, Joaquin had sunburn. We ate dinner at a wonderful Indian resteraunt, and a few drinks again, then went back to the hotel.
Keep in mind, we are doing a TON of walking. Especially along the beach. Getting from one place to another takes at least 15-20 min walking. So even though we are eating a lot, and sleeping a lot, we still are getting plenty of exercise.
March 30: We transfered to my Tito Leonard's place the White House. We had our own corner room. By the time we got there and checked in, it was already lunch time. Also we went to the airline ticketing office to extend our vacation. Originally we were suppose to leave April 2, but we changed it to April 4 since my uncle graciously gave us the room.
We ate leftover Indian food for lunch (by this time we are becoming more warey about money), and then we met my Uncle at the Manoc-Manoc to watch some good ole fashion cock fighting. I am totally against this, but I was sure that this would be interesting for Joaquin to see. He loved it (I think anyway). We saw roosters kill each other for over 2 hours. Not exactly my cup of tea. I had tears in my eyes at the first fight.March 31: We decided that today would be a good day to do "island hopping" with some snorkeling. We didn't exactly go from island to island since we were either in the boat or in the water. We did have so much fun. It lasted for about 3 hours. I didn't realize until we were done for the day, and we were eating lunch at Jonah's Fruitshakes that I had the worst sunburn.
Here is a pic of our guid hehe
I realized at that moment two thing: #1 Dont buy Beach Hut SPF 36, because the min
ute you touch water it is NOT waterproof. I never heard of SPF 36 anyway, so I dont know what the hell I was thinking. #2 We will now eat Jonah's Fruitshakes everyday for Breakfast.
Joaquin discovered an Andok's Manoc, his favorite fastfood chicken place. Since I was dying in bed with sunburn unable to roll onto my back, he went and got that for dinner.
April 1: April FOOLS! I have the WORST sunburn and want to die hehe. I think it was pay back for all the april fool jokes. So we pretty much lazed around in the hotel room the whole day, watching animal planet and CSI. Of course, we left the room for breakfast. Had Andok's breakfast, and Jonah's shake for a chaser.
I was interested in going to a cave or something fun for the next day, so we looked around the shopping area for some ideas. I was told to take a tricycle there and walk to the caves.
April 2: We discovered that my uncle has a DUNE BUGGY! So much fun. We thought we should be a bit adventurous. So we took the dune buggy for a spin, and discovered that we were able to take it to the bat caves.
It was so much fun, but so scarey for me. I am in a bit of denial about my fear of heights. But when we got there and realized that we had to ROCK CLIMB down into the cave, which was slippery and wet. And I could fall to my death on top of a bunch of bat crap, I grew very nervous. If it wasn't for our guide, I dont think I would be writing in this blog right now.
Finally at the bottom, in pitch blackness, and only one flashlight we made it. The guide pointed his flashlight at the ceiling of the cave only to discover thousands and thousands of bats. Wet stuff was dripping on my arms, and I had an idea of what it was. I just kept my mouth closed.
He took us to the underwater water hole, and it looked clear and fresh. I wanted to swim in it, and was so ready to because i was sweating profusly from the horrific climb down. Joaquin went closer to touch the water. Suddenly the guide says "Sir, are you afraid of snakes?" We both looked at him, and I thought he would tell us a story or something. Joaquin replies "Um...No" Then the guide flashes his light onto a LONG snake. I gasped, because it was so close and it was so dark. The guide then says "Don't worry sir, its only a water CORAL SNAKE. It wont bite you" I don't care if there is a "chance" that it won't bite me, but from what I know about coral snakes, they are poisonous and deadly. Plus I didn't want to stick around if it bites or not. When he turns off the flashlight, there is nothing but darkness. Who knows how close those snakes were to my ankles. I just wanted out. The guide procedes to show us an even bigger one, and my heart is just pounding in my chest.
Finally, we left, and had to climb up the mountainous rocks. I did climb them much faster then when I went down. I am not sure if it was knowing my footing this time around, or the fear of snakes. My mother would of buckled and cried hehe.April 3: We decided to rent some snorkels, go around on the Dune buggy, and make it an ultimate beach day. Of course after breakfast and shakes at Jonah's. We received more massages and finally got the sunset picture that we were procastinating to take.
April 4: Boo, we finally went home. The only thing that I could say about this day, is that we turned almost Filipino. There was a huge line to go back to Baguio at the bus station. Several hours long. As I waited in line, Joaquin waited in front of the bus because we know a secret. The buses stop accepting tickets at a certain number of seats because they pick up people along the way. But if we just get on, we can pay for the bus on it as if we were just picked up. It saved us at least 2 more hours in line, and 4 more hours until the next available bus. Only a Filipino could of pulled off a stunt like that. Being American/Filipino, only makes us more pros and more of a threat to everyone else hehe.
So, that's about it on our vacation, we go back to on Tuesday =(
HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Karen at 8:35 AM
Labels: Boracay, Orchids Resort, white house