We are about 2 weeks away from Christmas and my birthday. Im not all that excited about my birthday because I'm not exactly getting any younger, but I am somewhat excited about Christmas. Kate will be here with us for a while and I am real happy about that. I almost had hospital duty on my birthday, but luckily the Clinical Instructors are having their Christmas party that day. So I actually lucked out. I guess there is a benefit for having your birthday during the holidays. So while I was supposed to be studying for my medical surgical exam tomorrow, I made another movie.
Anyone who knows my family will find this funny...but if you don't, then I hope that you enjoy the movie anyway lol
I believe while I was at my most recent hospital duty, I saved a child from going into convulsions because I was able to catch her fever before it reached a dangerous level. The staff nurses didn't believe me the first time that she had a fever. They claimed that she wasn't even hot. So I went ahead to prove to them that I wasn't an incompetent student nurse. That time, the child's temperature was 39.8C. Im not sure on the conversions, but lets just say that a person may go into convulsions once it reaches 40.
It was a scary moment for me. Not because she could of gotten brain damage. I am usually pretty good at making sure my patients get the care that they need. I was more afraid that I was just about the only person who cared about her. She wasn't even my patient, and I just "felt" like taking her vitals. My clinical instructor was even saying "oh, its the end of our shift, so lets go". I just said "you can go ahead without me. I need to make sure my patient is ok." Then he replies "I thought that you didn't have a patient today." No, I did not have a patient that day, but that doesn't mean that I should not care for the patients in the ward. I was assigned to supervise my group mates, so I did not have a patient assigned to me. I just waved him away, risking the "letter of explanation" for not listening to him.
It is certainly a sad day when a student nurse's teacher tries to make her feel bad for trying to save a life.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Christmas and Hospitals
Posted by Karen at 10:49 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
A Day with Yavon
It only took me 3 days to put this video up but I finally did it!!!!!!!! Enjoy
Posted by Karen at 2:36 PM
Friday, November 09, 2007
Sims Update Already
So far, Yavon's house is almost exactly how I remember. I need to get Sims 2 Pets so that I can add Capone. My friend is teaching me more on photoshop, CorelDraw and a 3D program because I would love to give the girls all new styles. We know that the guys dont really care about style so Jesse will be wearing his New Mexico SHirt for a long time. Maybe one day, he will have his Dr. Pepper shirt...
So Christmas give ideas for Karen: anything Sims 2 =)
Once yavon's house is 100% finished, I will be adding Christmas stuff up (or Thanksgiving if I make it in time)
Posted by Karen at 11:00 AM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
The Sims 2 YAY
Ok so I finally started to play the Sims 2, and it's actually been taking me about a week to get started because I keep trying to figure out ways to make it better. For example, making new wall colors, creating my own objects, and even creating my own outfits. It's like what Kate is doing at her school (even though she is in way more in depth) except the dummy version.
So I created a bunch of familiar sims...
Look familiar? This is Jesse. When I can figure out how to make a Dr. Pepper Shirt, i will.
Joaquin in my favorite blue shirt
Yavon: being her friendly self
Kate: in the hot tub, showing off her hot bod.Chris: Kate's bf (even though I haven't him yet. I think this is what he would look like)
And of Course MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Playing on the computer.

They all have neat careers: So far, Im a vet and kate is Tomb Raider lol. Lets see how long I can play this game and build up on their lives. This game creates story boards, so I will be linking those much later...when I start playing.
Posted by Karen at 4:02 PM
Friday, November 02, 2007
I have a good excuse!!!!
I know that I have used this one before, but this time I mean it. I was real busy for the past few weeks. I even stopped playing WoW, and canceled my account. Maybe I feel it's time for me to grow up. Or even that the game has become boring. Some people just take the game way too seriously, and I don't have that kind of time or energy.
So now, it is our semester break. I feel a bit cheated because it is the first break that I am not able to go home. My sister will be coming this Christmas so I am exited about that.
We were spending the last few weeks working on "books". We have case presentations at school, and unfortunately they are group projects. We have to present our hospital, community and school nursing outputs to a panelist of 3 clinical instructors (C.I.s). Mainly, these case presentations are used to exhibit the power that the C.I.s have over the students. I know that I am stronger and that I don't take to heart the opinions of these teachers. Most of them are just hungry for attention and have nothing better to do then wait for their confirmation letter to be allowed into the US. But things that they say can be real hurtful, and humiliating just for an attempt to make their lives seem better. For example, in one of our reports we said that a patient was of medium build. It is quite obvious what that means but we were asked to elaborate. Then one of the panelists compares myself, and claims that there is no way I am of medium build. Well, according to all the clothes that I buy in the states, i am still medium build. Maybe in the Philippines I might be large. But it doesn't matter because my size should not be compared to anything. I chose to ignore this, because my size is a common ridicule in this country. But, then I heard that another student was subject to this ridicule during another panel, and he is half my size. So tell me, when does a teacher have a right to subject students to humiliation?
Well, that was over, and I have determined that I am going to try my hardest not to be in the same group as last semester. I discovered, that only 4 people (including myself) did all the work for these books for an entire semester. And I know that I did most of the work, and frankly I am quite used to it. But, the least my group mates could of done was reviewed the cases or used common sense once we were faced with the panelists. Basically, I was the only person who could defend our cases. And it makes me wonder what type of nurses are we trying to send abroad?
The more and more I go through these semesters and strange hard ships, I am more convinced of becoming a veterinarian. During the first semester, I some what doubted myself. I thought that maybe I would just be a nurse forever. Never mind continuing my education. However, I am questioning my knowledge and education here, and I honestly don't think I am fit to be a nurse. Joaquin, on the other hand, will probably be the best nurse that I will ever meet. Nursing is like second knowledge. He studies Med Surg and pharmacology, while I am starting to study on Animal Virology. I am trying to study whatever I can on Veterinarian medicine, but it is not easy considering that the references are scarce.
So, we finally took a mini vacation with Joaquin's nursing student body. We went to Sagada, and I know that Joaquin already made a long blog on coffee. But it's not just the coffee that we indulged ourselves with. We climbed a GIANT mountain. And I thought I was going to die climbing back up. I really questioned my abilities out there. Since I have met Wok, we have been hiking more and more, and climbing this mountain should not have been such an extraneous task. But climbing back up the mountain, I almost fainted several times. So I had to review my pathophysiology to figure out why I could barely make it. My conclusion: Dehydration. I drank the night before, barely had any water, and was constipated for 3 days = dehydration. Then going to an even HIGHER elevation makes less oxygen, which will make you even more dehydrated. In case anyone is wondering, oxygen runs in the blood and makes your brain work and heart beat. Lack of oxygen decreases the level of consciousness hence fainting. The best way to replenish oxygen is by drinking lots of water. If you are creating more work for your body or you are climbing higher elevations, then you need to drink extra amounts of water more than the required amount (at least 3 liters). In conclusion, I looked like an idiot.
But at the bottom of the mountain was a beautiful waterfall, and it was well worth the whole passing out thing.
But we had lots of fun and ate good food. Mostly home cooked because it is definitely cheaper than eating out. Whenever Wok and I were able to escape, we still ate at our favorite place: Yoghurt House.
It is about the only place in the Philippines that makes their own yogurt and serves gormet food. And its usually with a budget of 100 pesos per person.
Once we arrived back home, I finished doing my Christmas cards and should be sending them out within the next few days. I had to give myself ample time because last year, some people received their cards in January. So don't hate me for receiving your card early, I cant do anything about our postal system.
I have also been working on my book about pet advice. At first I was going general with it, and was going to tackle all pets. But Wok thinks I should just write about dogs first, because I know more about that then...fish or birds.
Ok so last, here is a new video from my sister. Enjoy!
Posted by Karen at 3:25 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Do you want A. Real me B. Show of me C. None of the above?
I thank God everyday that I have Joaquin. He accepts me for who I am and I don't have to change. Its funny how men can make a girl change. Not so much change, but make them blinded to their surroundings. Or make them disagreeable to their real friends. Because men come and go but your friends and family should be there forever. And if a man comes to between a friendship, then who is to say that friendship was real? But Joaquin will never do that. When we first met, I showed him the real me, not the show off me. Because if he could not accept that, then the relationship would not even be worth starting. Ok, maybe a little "show off me". Even though, I just let him beat me in pool...
For those who do not know, Joaquin and I decided not to attend our capping ceremony. And for those of you who are curious as to what that is...nevermind. Both of our families are not able to attend, well my family in manila are willing. But I would rather just my mother could go, and it seems like an awful lot of trouble. I appreciate that they want to come, and I told them that they can just visit if they like. But I will see...
I think I am just tired, and I am trying so hard not to do the whole "I want to go home already" thing. Sometimes I feel so alone out here, and I have Joaquin but its hard when only one person truely understands you. Always have to watch what you say...and that is just not me.
On a lighter note...here is my sister KATE!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Karen at 8:38 AM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
That's right, I finally accomplished something in the close to three years that we have been here. Me and my teamates (2 other girls) just won the Billiard Championship. Who would of thought we would win considering we were going against Engineering students and ICT students. I wonm 6 out of 8 games, and I am quite proud of that. So now I get a cool jacket and an "athlete's scholarship". Woot, go me. Wish I took pics =(
Posted by Karen at 4:39 PM
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Nurses and Cocktails
Well it's been a while since my last blog, and I will use the usual excuse that I am sooooooooooo busy....playing WoW. Today was another one of our many holidays which are usually not know until the week before...Baguio Day. Last week was Hero's Day, the week before that was Nino Aquino day, and the week before that was the Foundation Day of our school. Convenient for everyone that these fall once a week.
We are finally all finished with our Community and School nursing for the REST of our lives. Last night I had to celebrate so we had our closest friend come by for a few drinks. It was quite fun.
Here is me in my FULL on community get up...Vest worn a total of 7 times (no it did not escape the early 90s), and the blouse worn 7 times. The pants and black shoes are about the only things that I have that I wore for 3 semesters. Usually with a Tshirt. Makes me feel great that I wasted 2k pesos on the blouse and shirt, and now I will NEVER wear again...
And here is the uniform that you ALL have been waiting for. Our first hospital duty was a few weeks ago. My 3rd real patient EVER passed on me. Not for things that I could not do, but for other reasons that I would rather not say. For the first few days I was a bit traumatized. I had nightmares, but eventually I got over it. It's life, and as a future nurse, I should be getting used to this sort of thing...but I think nurses never get used to it.
And here is a video on what we do with our spare time....
Posted by Karen at 9:29 AM
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Blog Time
I finally made it into something....the Nursing Billiards Team. Ah my favorite sport. We start our opening on Aug 7, then compete in intramurals. Its good to finally get my mind off of my nursing crap.
I finally got one of my hospital uniforms yesterday, and I look like a giant marshmallow puff with red and gray stripes. I hate it. Good thing my hospital doesnt start until Aug 6, because it gives me time to have it taken in.
In case anyone is wondering, I have 3 different sets of uniforms. 1. Community uniform: UB Blouse, Gray Vest (nope it did not escape the 90s), Gray slacks, WHITE socks, and black shoes. 2. Skills Lab: UB Tshirt, Grey Slacks, WHITE socks, and black shoes. 3. Hospital uniform: A GIANT TENT DRESS, WHITE STOCKINGS, and white shoes. Oh and OR Scrubs, which i really regret not getting from my dad. Each uniform I basically need 3 sets, because we get dirty very fast.
The clinical instructors seem to be a touch better than the ones from last year. But a lot of them need work. The school still wastes a lot of time, and money.
Ive got 2 hated subjects this sem. 1. Intro to research: My teacher has no idea how to research, and thinks a hypothesis is not an educated guess or answer. She says that if we already answered the question, then you can not do research. HELLO!!!!! A research paper is to prove that your answer is correct. And yes, I beleive amongst other people that she really doesnt like me. Maybe even Joaquin. She doesnt like any of our suggestions. Maybe she just doesn't like Americans... 2. Community Health Nursing CLass: The teacher has shown up to class 4 times, correction 5 times. So far we had 15 classes. And the whole thing is Healthcare 2 all over again. I dont know why we are taking the class AGAIN. It was painful the first time around, and still nothing new.
Well, thats about it...until next time.
Posted by Karen at 9:04 AM
Monday, July 09, 2007
Why I hate politics, and yet I am always in it.
I tried to ease my mind with all that happened in the past couple of weeks, and I ran in the same election as Joaquin (which he failed to mention). Except I lost. Of course he would win. Who wouldn't want to vote for the only white guy who ever ran for office in our school? Oh and "my friends voted for him because he is their crush". I feel so great that we came all the way to the Philippines so that other women can have crushes on him...
I guess its nice to know that he is definitely fitting well within his environment. And what about me? Same ol, same ol...just like everyone else.
For me, they put my mother's maiden last name down as my last name on the ballots, so most of my friends thought that I dropped out of the election. The people who really knew me, just looked for my first name. I believe that it was quite an unfair election, because the comelec was told in the very beginning of the major mistake, and they failed to properly correct it.
At least, I still must of been very popular because I only lost by 15 votes. My position was only auditor, and I guess it would be too much work for me anyway. I just wanted to win so bad because I don't remember winning anything. And I keep telling my parents that I am doing this and running for that, but I always lose. I feel like I am just disappointing them more and more. Its kinda to the point that I don't even tell them that I am doing anything. I swore to myself that I am never running for anything again. It's way too much work to lose.
Except....I am trying out for the Billiards team for our school. Not too many women play pool here, so I am sure I will at least make it on a TEAM...maybe.
Posted by Karen at 1:11 PM
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Some things just shouldnt happen
A lot of things have happened since we came home. So far, none has been good, so I did not feel the need to relate in my blog. I really need a semester off....I am so tired, and feel used up. Stress is coming at me in large portions, and I do not understand how people here can function with their frame of mind.
I really hate (yes absolutely hate) the way that people here see death. They see it so casually. The other day, in class, a girl stood up in class and used her father's death as an example in developmental stages. Her father died last week. She told us so casually and with no emotion what so ever, that it shocked me. I felt that if I showed her any sign of sympathy, I would be laughed at because they are not afraid of laughing at people.
I remembered almost the same thing happened to me when I had Typhoid Fever. I was absent from school for 2 weeks, and on the borderline death. When I told my classmates that I was in the hospital, and almost died, it was like I just told them that I like to eat cake.
When I was first told, that the only deaths that are excused from school are your mother, father, sister or brother, I just could not believe it. But I can definitely believe it now. I am not sure if it’s the thought that your loved ones are in heaven that overwhelms them so much to cause them not to care. Or that death happens so often here, that people are starting not to care.
If I ever felt so alone before, it is nothing compared to how I feel now. I just want this whole deal to be over with because it seems that I am missing out on a whole lot.
I miss her and I couldn't even hold her one last time...
Posted by Karen at 8:19 AM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Hospital Duty
I guess you can say that we had a real taste of nursing over the past weekend. I know it did not last long, and the next time we will have hospital exposure will be in a few months. It was still exciting even for me. I got to work in the OB ward, and I think if I became a future nurse i would like to work there. Or just work with babies. They are so cute and don't complain hehe. But even in the OB ward I got to help the patients with their babies, and teach them how to do things that they might not even know yet.
Even though, of course, I have a bit of "required" useless paperwork to turn in. And I put it like that, because it would seem I am apart of the only group that has to do this. Sometimes I am not that sure what I am doing, because the teachers don't tell us anything. It would seem that the school just hires nurses to teach us, but they have absolutely no teaching skills whatsoever. So every time I walk into one of their classrooms, I am walking in blind and just expecting a quiz.
But in the ward, it is different. We deal with real people and its like I am back at work again. Having to think logically and critically, instead of worrying about spelling. Even though I had the graveyard shift, I still was excited to go to my next shift.
Oh, and those of you who are reading this, pls dont comment on my spelling >.< You know who you are.
Posted by Karen at 10:33 PM
Sunday, April 08, 2007
I know everyone has been waiting for this blog
WE are back! Actually we came back last week from Boracay. I thought it was a blast. I was contemplating whether or not I should write in my blog about it because Joaquin had written an epic about it. The question is who reads who's blog more? So anyway, first we of course took the bus to Manila and its a long ride (about 6 hours). We spent the night at my Uncle Mike's then we flew to Caticlan the next day. We had a bit of a delay (about an hour) but supposedly that is normal. I do remember as a kid, the delays would be hours long. So this time, it wasn't so bad.
March 28: We stayed in this place in the beginning named Orchids Resort and I actually HIGHLY recommend it. It is extremely affordable, clean, great atmosphere with complimentary FULL breakfast every morning. We were greeted in the Caticlan airport by a representative of the resort. Without him, I do not know how the other tourists can figure out what to do. You gotta take a tricycle to the boat port, pay all these fees (port fees, boat fees, environmental fees, etc), get on a banca, be let off at the port in boracay, take another tricycle and walk along the beach to the resort. And in my experience, this is actually the least hassle. But normally, tourists travel with someone, and they are too busy checking out the scenery that they don't realize how much of a hassle this is. When all is said and done, the hassle is totally worth it.
The Orchids had the friendliest people, and our check in was so simple. The guy who took us to the resort led us right to our room, and i signed a paper saying that I arrived. period. So simple that it was a bit scarey. We were hungry so we got a bite to eat, bought new sunglasses (two for $10), and went back to the room to take a nap. When we woke up, we ate dinner and had a few drinks to start off our vacation. When we came back to the hotel, we were greeted by the owner of the Resort and showed us true Boracay hospitality.
March 29: I find out from my Uncle that he has a place for me to stay. Joaquin and I decided that we loved the Orchids so much that we would transfer the next day instead of right away. This day was a good relaxing beach day. After breakfast, we walked around so that I can of course spend more money. Went to the shopping area and got real hot. So we had to take a few swim breaks. We ate Mexican for lunch, then I got a massage on the beach while Joaquin swam some more . Then we went back to the hotel, and proceded to our daily nap. When we woke up, Joaquin had sunburn. We ate dinner at a wonderful Indian resteraunt, and a few drinks again, then went back to the hotel.
Keep in mind, we are doing a TON of walking. Especially along the beach. Getting from one place to another takes at least 15-20 min walking. So even though we are eating a lot, and sleeping a lot, we still are getting plenty of exercise.
March 30: We transfered to my Tito Leonard's place the White House. We had our own corner room. By the time we got there and checked in, it was already lunch time. Also we went to the airline ticketing office to extend our vacation. Originally we were suppose to leave April 2, but we changed it to April 4 since my uncle graciously gave us the room.
We ate leftover Indian food for lunch (by this time we are becoming more warey about money), and then we met my Uncle at the Manoc-Manoc to watch some good ole fashion cock fighting. I am totally against this, but I was sure that this would be interesting for Joaquin to see. He loved it (I think anyway). We saw roosters kill each other for over 2 hours. Not exactly my cup of tea. I had tears in my eyes at the first fight.March 31: We decided that today would be a good day to do "island hopping" with some snorkeling. We didn't exactly go from island to island since we were either in the boat or in the water. We did have so much fun. It lasted for about 3 hours. I didn't realize until we were done for the day, and we were eating lunch at Jonah's Fruitshakes that I had the worst sunburn.
Here is a pic of our guid hehe
I realized at that moment two thing: #1 Dont buy Beach Hut SPF 36, because the min
ute you touch water it is NOT waterproof. I never heard of SPF 36 anyway, so I dont know what the hell I was thinking. #2 We will now eat Jonah's Fruitshakes everyday for Breakfast.
Joaquin discovered an Andok's Manoc, his favorite fastfood chicken place. Since I was dying in bed with sunburn unable to roll onto my back, he went and got that for dinner.
April 1: April FOOLS! I have the WORST sunburn and want to die hehe. I think it was pay back for all the april fool jokes. So we pretty much lazed around in the hotel room the whole day, watching animal planet and CSI. Of course, we left the room for breakfast. Had Andok's breakfast, and Jonah's shake for a chaser.
I was interested in going to a cave or something fun for the next day, so we looked around the shopping area for some ideas. I was told to take a tricycle there and walk to the caves.
April 2: We discovered that my uncle has a DUNE BUGGY! So much fun. We thought we should be a bit adventurous. So we took the dune buggy for a spin, and discovered that we were able to take it to the bat caves.
It was so much fun, but so scarey for me. I am in a bit of denial about my fear of heights. But when we got there and realized that we had to ROCK CLIMB down into the cave, which was slippery and wet. And I could fall to my death on top of a bunch of bat crap, I grew very nervous. If it wasn't for our guide, I dont think I would be writing in this blog right now.
Finally at the bottom, in pitch blackness, and only one flashlight we made it. The guide pointed his flashlight at the ceiling of the cave only to discover thousands and thousands of bats. Wet stuff was dripping on my arms, and I had an idea of what it was. I just kept my mouth closed.
He took us to the underwater water hole, and it looked clear and fresh. I wanted to swim in it, and was so ready to because i was sweating profusly from the horrific climb down. Joaquin went closer to touch the water. Suddenly the guide says "Sir, are you afraid of snakes?" We both looked at him, and I thought he would tell us a story or something. Joaquin replies "Um...No" Then the guide flashes his light onto a LONG snake. I gasped, because it was so close and it was so dark. The guide then says "Don't worry sir, its only a water CORAL SNAKE. It wont bite you" I don't care if there is a "chance" that it won't bite me, but from what I know about coral snakes, they are poisonous and deadly. Plus I didn't want to stick around if it bites or not. When he turns off the flashlight, there is nothing but darkness. Who knows how close those snakes were to my ankles. I just wanted out. The guide procedes to show us an even bigger one, and my heart is just pounding in my chest.
Finally, we left, and had to climb up the mountainous rocks. I did climb them much faster then when I went down. I am not sure if it was knowing my footing this time around, or the fear of snakes. My mother would of buckled and cried hehe.April 3: We decided to rent some snorkels, go around on the Dune buggy, and make it an ultimate beach day. Of course after breakfast and shakes at Jonah's. We received more massages and finally got the sunset picture that we were procastinating to take.
April 4: Boo, we finally went home. The only thing that I could say about this day, is that we turned almost Filipino. There was a huge line to go back to Baguio at the bus station. Several hours long. As I waited in line, Joaquin waited in front of the bus because we know a secret. The buses stop accepting tickets at a certain number of seats because they pick up people along the way. But if we just get on, we can pay for the bus on it as if we were just picked up. It saved us at least 2 more hours in line, and 4 more hours until the next available bus. Only a Filipino could of pulled off a stunt like that. Being American/Filipino, only makes us more pros and more of a threat to everyone else hehe.
So, that's about it on our vacation, we go back to on Tuesday =(
HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Karen at 8:35 AM
Labels: Boracay, Orchids Resort, white house
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Waiting for Downloads
I went and had my laptop completely cleaned up, reformatted and wiped clean over the weekend. We have been using it at school, and I think the thumbdrives of my fellow students had viruses on them. Since I started using it in school for our school projects, I have spotted 2 viruses so far using my AVG virus detector thingy. I am pretty sure that this computer has never been "cleaned up" so I had it done. So now I am waiting for a few downloads of skype, and other things that I thought I saved on a HardDisk, but it did not (with my luck, I wasn't the least bit surprised).
A lot of my music was lost, but luckily I already saved it on my other computer. I also saved the songs my sister left on this comp considering #1 I dont know if she still wants it, and #2 I think she has pretty good taste in music. I also lost a few pics that were on this comp, but again I had made a back up on my "Big Comp".
So anyway, finals are this week and I just finished my case presentation last Saturday. We didn't too bad, especially after all the problems the panels gave the other students. They just made us revise it. I am still waiting for the final copy so that I may proofread it, but the procrastination bug seems to have bitten a lot of the student body.
We are looking forward to going on our own little vacation, just Joaquin and I to Boracay.
It will be a lot of fun, and I know that maybe Joaquin will need this vacation more than I do. Well, next time everyone sees us, hopefully we will actually be tanned for once.
Posted by Karen at 9:57 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Almost Finals
Today, I must of had the most productive day in duty...and its our last meeting. We went around the community and took pictures of us looking like we are doing things. We are preparing for a major case presentation, which will be held next Saturday. I was asked by my Billiards teacher to represent our class in the Billiards Olympics next Saturday (don't ask) so hopefully I will be able to attend. My case is during the morning and the Olympics will be in the after noon.
I am so glad this semester is almost over. It has been quite stressful. During the summer semester my schedule will be MTW 10:30AM-4:30Pm, then ThFS in the hospital 7:30AM - 8PM. It is not going to be fun. But after that we will be having a much needed vacation back to the states. I am not sure the exact dates, but shoot for mid may. We are doing the best that we can, but its starting to get a bit nutty. Time for more people to visit us instead.
Posted by Karen at 12:19 AM
Monday, March 05, 2007
Keeping up with Blogging
So now, Jesse and Yavon have a blog, so no I really have to write more lol. It's been a while, I know. What else is knew. But I have an excuse...same ole "I am just too busy" excuse. Maybe too busy playing WoW. But also been really busy with school. I have done at least 10 group projects in the past 2 weeks. I know that before I came here, I have not done a single group project since elementary school. Drives me nuts sometimes. Especially when no one shows up to your meetings and you are just sitting there like a crazy person knowing that you will end up doing all the work anyway. But I think I beat the whole group project system. I tell them what I am going to do and what I am not going to do from the very beginning. I know that working too hard is useless since you will probably be the only one. And the teacher's don't really appreciate when you do go "above and beyond".
Last week, I had to act in a play, do a PowerPoint presentation, and sing in a stupid jingle that I wrote. This week, I have case study busy work, finish a comic book, do a collage, and do an ethics case presentation. Who knows what will be in store for next week. We NEVER know in advance. If I knew, then all this will be done by now.
Luckily, we only have 2 more weeks. Then we get a 2 week break. Its hard for us to go anywhere because it is holy week. SO a lot of places are booked. I really want to though. 2 weeks of sitting at home in Baguio isn't exactly the life of the party.
Oh, since last weekend, Baguio had our famous Flower Festival. Starts with one day of parade, then a week of heavy traffic and BBQ. When you walk up our main street, the vendors are all the same selling BBQ BBQ BBQ Flowers BBQ BBQ BBQ Flowers. You would think that people would not make any money here because they all sell the same thing, but you would be wrong.
I am all for festivals, but when you are going to school taking 30 credits and its only a few weeks from finals, it can be a bit of a hastle.
Its been a while since we took any pictures, unless you want me to post the goofy ones of me and my uniform which is quite embarrassing. So we will leave it as it is =)
Posted by Karen at 4:39 AM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Cleaning up emails
Is it time to get a life when you sit down for over an hour organizing what folder things should go into in your email? Sorry that it has been a while since the last update. Honestly we have not been doing much. We are having a stressful time at school...well I am anyway. Stuff about how the school should not work, yada yada...Ive over done myself with the complaints.
On the bright side, my duty has been going well. I am almost done with all my requirements and I think that I am doing fine. I am only having a difficult time with my healthcare lecture class because my teacher decides to quiz us on things that SHE taught last sem...it sucks i know
Posted by Karen at 8:56 PM
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Happy New Year!
The new year just started and so far its been pretty good. My New Year's Resolution is to lose 30 lbs and to stop eating meat except seafood. I really am hoping that I can do it this time. I am sure that I can. Only problem for me is the whole exercise thing, but then again I am climbing giant hills and 9 flights of stairs everyday. Eating no meat has been easy for me. The vegetables are so fresh here. I spent 3 hours the other day making dinner, and surprisingly (totally by accident) everything was completely vegan. Well, except for the yogurt that I also made.
So, I am sure that you read Joaquin's blog by now. IF not, then you will. He pretty much told and provided all the pics from our Christmas break. I got an ipod nano =D from Joaquin for my birthday! And I have to say that being 25 is no different then 24. But in a nutshell, we went to manila Dec 21-Dec 25, back to baguio, Dec 27-Dec 29 in Segada, back to baguio, Dec 31-Jan 1 Aringay, La Union. So, as you can see we were very busy. I dont think that I would of changed anything, except that if my dad could of stayed longer.
Posted by Karen at 11:50 AM
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
The end is here =(
Just writing in here to let everyone know that I did not forget my blog. We just have been so busy. I have to leave for class now, and when i get back, i will update =D
Posted by Karen at 9:45 AM