Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Halloween 2010
Posted by Karen at 2:37 AM
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I took a few days off of work to visit my best friend, Shellybean. It was a much needed vacation especially since the last time I took one was New Mexico, then the time before that our honeymoon.
I am definitely a firm believer in vacations. I feel as though I am quite a stressed out person even if my job is simple now. I guess it might be that nothing has stopped since I even got back home from the philippines. First it was the bankruptcy, then wedding, then working until almost death, and now moving with added stress. And even though I pretty much relaxed and helped shell move her things, I was perfectly content.
The weather was fabulously refreshing and the people acted as though I never left. It was like I was home again. We went to this fancy restaurant called the Terry Lodge, owned by an iron chef and I can honestly say it was the best food in my entire life. And if you have looked at me recently, you know that I have eaten a LOT in my life time. Every bite was a taste of heaven, no matter what I ate or what I ate from someone else's plate. I had quail and they even de-boned the rib cage so it was more like cutting into a piece of steak. Just pure meat. And for desert, a peach cobbler with cinnamon gelato on top. Delightful!
But things also have changed on my hometown. People grew up, buildings have been reconstructed or been replaced. Our local "mom and pop's" became defeated by big corporations. But the people and their personalities have never changed. Or maybe that could be just me. And I loved every minute of it.
Posted by Karen at 8:22 PM
Sunday, August 01, 2010
WIll we be moving?
Well, there have been a lot of changes going on in our lives. The first major change is that we both now work from home. It was a little weird at first, and I am finding myself to be even more busy then I was before. At least going to work all day in an office meant that you only had to worry about things to do during your time after work and on the weekends. Now I have things to worry about like "today I am going to the gym, then go swimming, shower, start working, first break lunch, work again, lunch break=maybe laundry?, work again, second break dinner, work again, off at 9 and play WoW until 12pm. Before it was go to work then....start driving home and maybe buy groceries to make dinner. Simple and easy. On the up side of the whole thing, we have Tues and Saturdays off. At first, I thought that I wouldn't like it. But then I realize that I have 2 "Fridays" a week :)
Posted by Karen at 11:01 PM
Sunday, July 11, 2010
New Mexico!
In the beginning of June, we went to visit my mother-in-law, Pamcakes at her cozy home in New Mexico. It's such a beautiful state, full of all my favorite things to do. I love the decorations in the little shops, and even out in the streets.
Posted by Karen at 10:22 PM
Labels: Albuquerque, Church street, New Mexico, vacation
Sunday, June 13, 2010
I guess the update?
I didn't even realize that I haven't written in here since over a year ago. I really thought that I have written in here for the Wedding in January. So...for those of you who only know me by blog, Joaquin and I officially tied the knot on January 30, 2010.
It was a fabulous wedding and all of our friends and family attended. It was quite stressful and I couldnt bring myself to take a moment to write in this blog.
SInce last may....let me see...I worked as an office manager for a doctor's office in Pompano. I learned a lot from my position but it proved to be even more stressful than I could ever have imagined. On top of it, I had the wedding to deal with.
Right now, I no longer work for this place. Joaquin also passed the NCLEX (I have to take mine before July 20) and I am so proud of him. We both obtained positions as health coaches to help people quit smoking. It sound fabulous to me, and it still goes along the same lines as our nursing career.
Well, i will continue this another time, but I have to get my dad at work :)
Posted by Karen at 4:46 AM
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I've seen way better days
I have to admit, Im starting to hit a depression spill again. Must be my time of month. A combination of hormones, thunder storms and a series of unfortunate events. I am depressed that I am having a hard time finding a job, and it's hard for most people to have sympathy. I might have only been looking for 1.5 months, but they have been looking for a year.
I am wondering if this delay in my life is some sort of sign that I need to wait for better things. Or...there is just no such thing as fate, and everyone is right...the economy has failed.
On the bright side, I am still in awe that I am finally home. Living in the Philippines was so surreal, and now it's over.
At this point in my life, I am not sure what I want. I still have dreams of becoming a vet and curing cancer through the use of saving God's creatures big and small...but it seems so far away now. And I am thinking that I may have to be a nurse afterall...for the rest of my life...
It seems only right that I cant be what I have truly always wanted. Why would I be one of the lucky ones? One of the lucky 10%? At the rate Im going, things that I want will just remain a dream, and I will remain what I have always hated...a follower. Following a plan someone else has written.
Posted by Karen at 3:32 AM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Secrets to International Flying
For those of you who do not know, I left for the States today. Right now I am typing this in Taipei. A lot of things were happening in my life, and I had to go home unexpectedly. But since I have a 9 hour (actually 7.5 hour since my first leg left an hour and a half late)I figured I should share a few secrets about international flying.
First airport boredom:
Make use of everything free!
1. Free WiFi
2. Free restrooms (usually very clean or very weird)
Then, make use of things that no one really knows about. Check out the lounges. Usually for as little as $10 you can spend your boring 8 hour layover in a place where they offer sleeping amenities, a shower, more wifi, all you can eat gourmet food, and sometimes a complimentary massage.
Last, fill your time with things you wouldnt normally do at home (well if you weren't me). Check out any airport spas, or the people giving a foot massage. You never know what you may find.
Do NOT buy duty free. I know, it sounds sooooooo glamorous. Oooh, no taxes...blah blah. But have you noticed, that the prices are even more expensive than if you were to pay taxes in the first place? Just a thought.
For the plane itself:
1. Again, take advantage of the FREE stuff. Yes, people already know that you get a free soda...well i say BOO to that. Go for the FREE cocktails! Yay! Gin and tonics, bloody mary's, a saki, red wine, white wine, and pretty much any good beer. Don't you think your $650 one way ticket should pay for something besides the smiles and food? It's not just first class who gets booze.
2. Go vegetarian for just the flight, even if you are not. Before I fly, i get to choose 2 things: my seat and my food preference. The seat is a given, why not get a seat that I like? But the food, a lot of people don't know better, and my fellow vegetarians will suffer with that chicken on their plate. And not only is my meal vegetarian, its INDIAN vegetarian. There are many advantages at following these processes. For one, it's free INDIAN food :) For another, I get my food before anyone else, which they verify the minute I get on the plane and ask me what kind of drink I may want (I got a gin and tonic just because I can).
So far, this was my flight, well the food part. I get on the plane and sit down. 5 minutes later, the flight attendant approaches me and verifies that I am indeed Ms. Murry. She asks what kind of drink do I want, and I'm thinking "what the hell". So I say "what do you have for cocktails?" At this point, I was willing to even pay for it if I have to. She tells me I basically can have whatever I want, and its free.
Later, (about 15 min after take off), you hear the flight attendants moving around preparing the food. Then out she comes with my food, and my food ONLY. She places it at my tray, and the woman sitting next to me stares at it practically drooling. Inside is couscus, chick peas with a touch of cinnamon, tomato curry, a cucumber potato salad, and some desert which I am sure is not vegetarian but oh well. Then the woman next to me finally gets her meal after 10 min. At this point, I already finished my salad. She had ordered the chicken and it looked just as plain and tasteless as all my previous international flying mistakes. She looked somber and quite disappointment. Just the reaction from other people makes this all worth while.
With my meal I had a gin and tonic, a coke (the gin was a bit strong), a water (came already with the meal), and a hot tea. I was actually contemplating if I should ask for another drink because my curried meal was a bit spicy...
I saved the names of my meals:
Paneer Lebabdar
Saffron Quinoa with Dried fruits and paneer cheese.
Posted by Karen at 4:33 PM