It only took me 3 days to put this video up but I finally did it!!!!!!!! Enjoy
Sunday, November 11, 2007
A Day with Yavon
Posted by Karen at 2:36 PM
Friday, November 09, 2007
Sims Update Already
So far, Yavon's house is almost exactly how I remember. I need to get Sims 2 Pets so that I can add Capone. My friend is teaching me more on photoshop, CorelDraw and a 3D program because I would love to give the girls all new styles. We know that the guys dont really care about style so Jesse will be wearing his New Mexico SHirt for a long time. Maybe one day, he will have his Dr. Pepper shirt...
So Christmas give ideas for Karen: anything Sims 2 =)
Once yavon's house is 100% finished, I will be adding Christmas stuff up (or Thanksgiving if I make it in time)
Posted by Karen at 11:00 AM
Thursday, November 08, 2007
The Sims 2 YAY
Ok so I finally started to play the Sims 2, and it's actually been taking me about a week to get started because I keep trying to figure out ways to make it better. For example, making new wall colors, creating my own objects, and even creating my own outfits. It's like what Kate is doing at her school (even though she is in way more in depth) except the dummy version.
So I created a bunch of familiar sims...
Look familiar? This is Jesse. When I can figure out how to make a Dr. Pepper Shirt, i will.
Joaquin in my favorite blue shirt
Yavon: being her friendly self
Kate: in the hot tub, showing off her hot bod.Chris: Kate's bf (even though I haven't him yet. I think this is what he would look like)
And of Course MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Playing on the computer.

They all have neat careers: So far, Im a vet and kate is Tomb Raider lol. Lets see how long I can play this game and build up on their lives. This game creates story boards, so I will be linking those much later...when I start playing.
Posted by Karen at 4:02 PM
Friday, November 02, 2007
I have a good excuse!!!!
I know that I have used this one before, but this time I mean it. I was real busy for the past few weeks. I even stopped playing WoW, and canceled my account. Maybe I feel it's time for me to grow up. Or even that the game has become boring. Some people just take the game way too seriously, and I don't have that kind of time or energy.
So now, it is our semester break. I feel a bit cheated because it is the first break that I am not able to go home. My sister will be coming this Christmas so I am exited about that.
We were spending the last few weeks working on "books". We have case presentations at school, and unfortunately they are group projects. We have to present our hospital, community and school nursing outputs to a panelist of 3 clinical instructors (C.I.s). Mainly, these case presentations are used to exhibit the power that the C.I.s have over the students. I know that I am stronger and that I don't take to heart the opinions of these teachers. Most of them are just hungry for attention and have nothing better to do then wait for their confirmation letter to be allowed into the US. But things that they say can be real hurtful, and humiliating just for an attempt to make their lives seem better. For example, in one of our reports we said that a patient was of medium build. It is quite obvious what that means but we were asked to elaborate. Then one of the panelists compares myself, and claims that there is no way I am of medium build. Well, according to all the clothes that I buy in the states, i am still medium build. Maybe in the Philippines I might be large. But it doesn't matter because my size should not be compared to anything. I chose to ignore this, because my size is a common ridicule in this country. But, then I heard that another student was subject to this ridicule during another panel, and he is half my size. So tell me, when does a teacher have a right to subject students to humiliation?
Well, that was over, and I have determined that I am going to try my hardest not to be in the same group as last semester. I discovered, that only 4 people (including myself) did all the work for these books for an entire semester. And I know that I did most of the work, and frankly I am quite used to it. But, the least my group mates could of done was reviewed the cases or used common sense once we were faced with the panelists. Basically, I was the only person who could defend our cases. And it makes me wonder what type of nurses are we trying to send abroad?
The more and more I go through these semesters and strange hard ships, I am more convinced of becoming a veterinarian. During the first semester, I some what doubted myself. I thought that maybe I would just be a nurse forever. Never mind continuing my education. However, I am questioning my knowledge and education here, and I honestly don't think I am fit to be a nurse. Joaquin, on the other hand, will probably be the best nurse that I will ever meet. Nursing is like second knowledge. He studies Med Surg and pharmacology, while I am starting to study on Animal Virology. I am trying to study whatever I can on Veterinarian medicine, but it is not easy considering that the references are scarce.
So, we finally took a mini vacation with Joaquin's nursing student body. We went to Sagada, and I know that Joaquin already made a long blog on coffee. But it's not just the coffee that we indulged ourselves with. We climbed a GIANT mountain. And I thought I was going to die climbing back up. I really questioned my abilities out there. Since I have met Wok, we have been hiking more and more, and climbing this mountain should not have been such an extraneous task. But climbing back up the mountain, I almost fainted several times. So I had to review my pathophysiology to figure out why I could barely make it. My conclusion: Dehydration. I drank the night before, barely had any water, and was constipated for 3 days = dehydration. Then going to an even HIGHER elevation makes less oxygen, which will make you even more dehydrated. In case anyone is wondering, oxygen runs in the blood and makes your brain work and heart beat. Lack of oxygen decreases the level of consciousness hence fainting. The best way to replenish oxygen is by drinking lots of water. If you are creating more work for your body or you are climbing higher elevations, then you need to drink extra amounts of water more than the required amount (at least 3 liters). In conclusion, I looked like an idiot.
But at the bottom of the mountain was a beautiful waterfall, and it was well worth the whole passing out thing.
But we had lots of fun and ate good food. Mostly home cooked because it is definitely cheaper than eating out. Whenever Wok and I were able to escape, we still ate at our favorite place: Yoghurt House.
It is about the only place in the Philippines that makes their own yogurt and serves gormet food. And its usually with a budget of 100 pesos per person.
Once we arrived back home, I finished doing my Christmas cards and should be sending them out within the next few days. I had to give myself ample time because last year, some people received their cards in January. So don't hate me for receiving your card early, I cant do anything about our postal system.
I have also been working on my book about pet advice. At first I was going general with it, and was going to tackle all pets. But Wok thinks I should just write about dogs first, because I know more about that or birds.
Ok so last, here is a new video from my sister. Enjoy!
Posted by Karen at 3:25 PM